Frequently asked Questions
The Telestar "384kbps for $384" Program

Q: There are less expensive systems available than the TANDBERG Vision 2000, why shouldn't we choose them?
A: In reality, although the initial purchase price may appear to be lower, once you add up the cost of all the items necessary for a complete system and the future service contracts, the 384k for $384 program is always the most cost effective solution. Be sure and calculate the cost of capital and depreciation expense of an outright purchase. Also with other systems you may face costly software upgrades in the future. Software upgrades and complete service, support and training are included in the Telestar 384 program.


Q: Is the "384k for $384" program a lease?
A: No, it is a service agreement in which we retain ownership and maintenance responsibility for the system.
Q: Is there a charge for system installation?
A: No, it is included, however, your local exchange carrier may charge a nominal fee for the installation of you local access lines.
Q: If I would like to standardize on one system company wide will you take my existing units in trade?
A: Yes, we will quote a trade in value on any video conferencing system as well as bridge hardware. We also can quote a figure to buy out of your existing lease obligations or service contracts.
Q: We have never used video conferencing in our business before. Will you train us on its use and applications?
A: Yes, unlimited free training is included in our 384k for $384 program for the term of the agreement.
Q: I would like to add additional cameras or other peripherals to the systems we order from you, do I buy them?
A: You are welcome to buy them, but most people simply let us include it with their system. A document camera adds about $60 per month to the cost on a five-year agreement. You can add peripherals at any time during the term of the agreement.
Q: I appreciate your service contract vs. purchase concept, but due to capital budgeting issues, we prefer to purchase our equipment outright. Can we?
A: Yes, purchase options are available, as are custom term contracts of any length. Under a purchase agreement you can still access our service and support at an additional charge and you would not get the free software upgrades.
Q: If I make a buying decision today, how long will it take to get the system installed?
A: If you have existing ISDN network we can install the systems in about four days. If you do not have available ISDN capacity the length of time will be dependent on your local telephone company, but on average expect about three weeks in most parts of the U.S.
Q: Hypothetically lets say my system does not work one day due to a network problem. Which phone company do I call?
A: You make one call to Telestar Technologies and we will resolve the problem for you. Telestar is responsible for everything including peripherals, monitors and network.


Q: Is your system capable of working on our LAN or WAN?
A: Yes, but most clients choose a stand alone solution using BRI lines due to the simplicity and the bandwidth limitations of many private networks.
Q: We have always used full T-1 for video, do you offer a system that runs at that speed?
A: Yes, TANDBERG offers equipment that powers many broadcast television networks at 2MEG, but our new 768kbps capable units have video comparable to the older technology T-1 units you are currently using.
Q: We need a desktop system that will run at 128kbps, do you have a solution?
A: Yes, the TANDBERG 600 and 770 are compact desktop systems that will run on ISDN or your internal network. Fortunately they are NOT PC's nor PC based so they eliminate PC type reliability problems and avoid quick obsolescence issues.
Q: I understand the 384 program includes a 32" monitor, can I get a different size?
A: Yes, we will be pleased to quote on any size or number of monitors. You might want to consider one of the new 40-inch flatscreen monitors.
Q: We would like to use our systems in numerous conference rooms throughout the building. Are they portable?
A: Yes and with an optional automatic line routing switch (a Telestar exclusive) you can use the same set of telephone lines throughout the building to save money and headaches. We also offer a completely portable 384k system that is the size of a briefcase.


Q: Why is your FREE BRIDGE service so important to us?
A: Anytime you want to connect more than two sites you must connect through a video bridge. Some companies have purchased this hardware for internal use; most use an outside service which costs about $50 per site, per hour. With the Telestar 384k for $384 program this service is included for all 384k calls inbound to the bridge if you have chosen to use the Telestar network solution. This feature alone can save you tens of thousands of dollars per year.
Q: What if I would like to have a bridge call with systems not on the Telestar program?
A: The bridge charge for domestic units on the program is free and units not on the program will pay whatever their standard rate is with the bridge provider.
Q: I would prefer to use my own bridge or bridge provider, can we?
A: You are free to choose any carrier or bridge provider.
Q: Where can I see your equipment demonstrated?
A: We have demonstration sites in most major cities throughout North America, Europe and Asia. We would also be pleased to set up a 30-day trial in your office or offices.
Q: Do I have to use your agreement with AT&T for network transport?
A: No, you are free to choose your own carrier, but to date over 90% of our clients have chosen AT&T due to its reasonable cost and reliable network.
Q: Some of our remote locations still do not have access to ISDN or BRI lines, what can you do?
A: The Vision 5000 will also operate on Switched 56 circuits, which are available almost everywhere in the world or you can use a PRI line.
Q: The prices you have quoted for a 20 channel PRI circuit are very low. Can I use the excess channels for other voice or data?
A: Yes, but the cost of termination equipment for the PRI lines is quoted separately.

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