


The Panasonic KXC-M7500 Video Teleconferencing System lets you have audible, face-to-face meetings without being face-to-face. It's technologically advanced, yet so simple to use. All you have to worry about is making sure your hair is combed. The KXC-M7500 does the rest.

Excellent Picture and Sound

With the Vision Pro, picture and sound quality are clear, crisp and distinctive. It's the next best thing to being there. Here's why:

Video Codec: This is the Vision Pro's main processing unit. It's what makes certain you always get a great picture. Simply, the Vision Pro's Video Codec, working in concert with the codec on the other end, digitizes the video to create output that's as clear as the picture you get off your home TV or VCR. Further, it has a very small footprint, is a cinch to install and connect and can be used with any size video monitor or projector with video input.

Excellent Audio quality on both ends: Audio echo cancellation helps eliminate unwanted loop back audio on your end (removes double-talk effect). The omnidirectional microphone makes sure every one of your words is heard perfectly on the other end.



KXC-M7500 Video Codec ITU-T compatibility, H.320 standards, bonding mode available, from 56 to 384 KBPS


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